Name: AO YANGPID: A98101484Connecting Between People (Draft)People are all connected in some way. They are either closed-minded or sociable. There is always some sort of bond that connects people with other people and with society. The fact that people are all connected in different ways is not unique, it can actually be applied to many other groups of living organisms, such as ants moving heavy objects together or predators stalking their prey. In fact, the connections between living organisms can be summarized in the following categories: Antagonism; Symbiosis; NeutralismWhat antagonism means is that one or both types of organisms are harmed in the process of connecting. [1]. Applied to human interactions, relationships such as “slave and master,” “opposing enemies” can be included in the categories of antagonism. Between slaves and masters, the slaves are the ones who are used, or “harmed” in some sense, while the master can get interest from the slaves for next to nothing in return; Among opposing enemies, both sides are damaged when fighting against each other ...