In the TEFL domain, we know that language learning is influenced by many factors, such as cognitive and affective factors which are sometimes called intrinsic factors. To be a successful student, we should not only pay attention to one of these. Recently, affective variables have attracted much interest. They are described as the “emotional side of human behavior” (Brown, 2000, p. 143) and include many components, such as motivation, anxiety, inhibition, self-esteem, self-realization, self-evaluation, risk-taking, empathy. , and extroversion. Research fields abound with these factors, but self-esteem has attracted much more scholarly attention and has many related names, such as self-confidence, self-image, self-concept, and self-perception. It is also significant for me as a TEFL MA. Student and teacher because I have experienced it personally and in lessons with my students. Self-esteem has been defined by many scholars. As Murk states (quoted in Rubio, 2007, p. 3), this is an “impure phenomenon.” According to Chastain (1988) “self-esteem means that the student knows his own abilities and accepts himself as he is” (p. 169). Brown (2000) refers to self-esteem as self-confidence, self-knowledge, confidence in one's abilities for activity, self-concept, and self-evaluation (p. 145). In another book of his, he defines it as “I can do it” or “a person's belief in his own ability to complete the task” (2001, p. 62). “People derive their sense of self-worth from the accumulation of experiences with themselves and others and from evaluations of the external world around them” (Brown, 2000, p. 145). THE SIGNIFICANT ROLES OF...... mid article ......oach to language pedagogy.New Jersy: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.Chastain, K. (1988). Develop the theory and practice of language skills. Florida: HarcourtBrace Jovanovich.Knanafani, J.K. (2009). The importance of building students' self-esteem in language learning. Continuing Teacher Education, 44, 31-34. Retrieved from, K. (1989). Roles of self-esteem in second language oral production performance. Retrieved from, K. (2012). The improvement of affective variables of foreign language teachers in ethnic minority universities. doi: 10.5539/elt.v5nlzp70Rubio, F. (2007). Self-esteem and learning foreign languages. United Kingdom: Cambridge.