Topic > The Irish Potato Famine - 911

In the mid-1800s Ireland relied heavily on potato cultivation. Phytophthora infestans spread rapidly across Ireland infecting all potato crops. This article will cover the different aspects of the potato famine. The potato, the person who invented the potato, how much the Irish relied on the potato and many other interesting things as well as the development of the potato. One of the main reasons that caused the potato famine was that many people slept in a cabin sharing it with many animals and sleeping on straw beds on the ground. This spread many diseases throughout Ireland. People became incredibly sick from P infestans and it would not be defeated without a fight. The history of the potato tells of the plant and its edible tuber. The potato was first domesticated about 7,000 years ago in southern Peru and Bolivia. The potato has become one of the most edible vegetables in many places in the world, including Ireland. (Smithsonian) During the 18th century, the popularity of the potato skyrocketed. The potato was easy to move because, unlike wheat, it is very resistant and grows underground. The potato is used in many ways. It can be used to feed livestock and the starch is used in plant research. Potato is rich in carbohydrates and is known for its nutritional value. The two main potato producing countries in the world are China and India. China produces 23.3% of the world's potatoes. Next up, India produces 12.2% of the world's potatoes. The immigration of the potato disease dates back to the 1840s. An initial potato disease was reported in Philadelphia in 1843. By 1845 the disease was reported in Canada and the northern United States. (Fry, Goodwin, Dyer, ...... middle of document, GI (nd). Ireland's Great Hunger Museum. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from :, IG (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2014, from http://ighm.nfshost. .com/exports-in-famine-times/Place, T. H. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2014, from The History Place: (n.d.). January 15, 2014, from, N. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2014, from, E. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2014, from The Potato Famine: http://www.eyewitnesstohistory. com/irishfamine.htm