Topic > Reflective essay using Honey and Mumford's learning...

The purpose of this reflective essay on debate is to analyze my team, my personal learning style and experience of participating in debate and preparation period, started in week 7 with the mock debate - structured and based on Honey and Mumford's theory of learning styles, and I will look at some ideas for my future practice. Reflection is a key part of our personal development plan that is significant from both an academic and work perspective. It investigates and in some way measures our current level of skills and knowledge by looking back to reflect our latest performance and monitoring future improvements (Gallagher K., 2013, p. 23-24). As mentioned above, this reflective essay is based on the main theory on reflection, which represents Honey and Mumford's learning styles developed from Kolb's work. This is based on four stages of specific learning styles: Having an experience /activists/ – are enterprising rather than intellectual and prefer actual experience. Review the experience /spotlight/ – wish to stand back and watch and review. Concluding from experience /theorists/ – they like to have the big picture and feel intellectually tense, and are logical and rational thinkers. They plan the next step /pragmatic/ – prefer actions in the real world and like to try new concepts to see how they work (King D., Lawley S., 2013, p.313-314). Honey and Mumford say (Gallagher K., 2013 , p. 23-24) that idyllically someone has a composite learning style, although some individuals have a strong preference for a particular style. So one of the practices of the Learning Styles Inventory is to allow the student to construct developmental goals to increase their competence in underrepresented styles: for example, someone who is a poor activist may deliberately plan to do additional activities from which absorb. Styles Inventory consists of forming groups of people who as a group exhibit all four styles in a composite way (Gallagher K., 2013 p. 23-24). In week 7 our seminar leader assigned us into smaller groups of six to work together, come together, and start preparing for the mock debate in week 9 and the debate in week 10. As we started to be alone, yes it is seen that it would not be easy to achieve our goals, not only because in our group there was a strong activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist, but we also had to face some solvable difficulties since our first meeting of the week was canceled by problems such as lack of communication, communication problems and the ability to listen to each other.