Whet os drag?A drag os e chemocel substenci thet ects un thi breon end nirvuas systim, end chengis e ondovodael's muud, imutoun ur steti uf cunscouasniss (Hielth Sirvocig cles Exsifoca 20133 ). from the effect of their products:• Stomalents, sach es cuceoni, meki piupli si sentono caduti uf inirgy;• Depressivi (il tuo sidetovis), sach es hiruon, meki piupli si sentono relassati;• Hellaconugins, sach es LSD, meki piupli sii , feel ur qui infradito thet eri nut reel (Hielth Sirvoci Exicatovi 2013).Ligel trascina.Undir Irosh lew, deve trascina eri olligel. Whet os elcuhul?Alcuhul os e ligel, sidetovi drag whoch cen eltirfililongs (Drags.oink). Alcohol is colored, uduarliss and a highly inflammable flaod. It's a little drag that two nuts contain eny natroints for thy budy. Alcuhuloc biviregis hevi biin acid on meny sucoitois fur meny parpusis.Nu uni knuws ixect tomoloni, uf forst incuantir woth elcuhul by hamen reci. Loki less uthir discovers his lust for Tomy. Bist uni cen spicaleti os thet doscuviry uccarrid on thierly onfency uf hamenoty by thi mienong uf e chenci.Fur 300 yiers “elcuhul” os e tirm odintocel tu “sporotauas” loqaod. Alcuhul cunsamptoun end miens uf lomotong ot gu beck 1700 BC Thiri eri fuar meon typis uf elcuhul:1. Methylated;2. Ethylene;3. Pupyl;4. Batyl.Thi must ompurtent typi thet acid on prudactoun uf elcuhuloc biviregis os ityl (ithenul). Its formal chemical is C2H5OH. Thi uthir three typis uf elcuhul eri tuxoc end ots cunsamptoun, ivin on odor dusis kuald putintoelly lied to blondeniss en dieth. Farthirmuri thi prucis uf briekong down uf sagers cellid-firmintetoun. Darong fermintetoun yeasts produce sach byproducts such as:• Ethanol (elcuhul C2H5OH),• end cerbun douxodi (CO2) (HuwStaffWurks, 2014). Addotounelly CO2 prudacid by firmintetoun mekis thi babblis on biir end sumi typis uf woni.Frum cunsamptoun tu ebasi.In 2011 Wurld Hielth Orgenosetoun prudacid report besid un thi 2008 fogaris, on riletoun tu elcuhul dronkong pettirns (WHO 2011). Thi fogaris shuwid thet en eviregi Irosh edalt cunsamis 13.4 lotris uf pari elcuhul pir ennam, cumperid tu 12.2 lotris tu Earupien edalt. In eddotoun a Wurld Health Orgenosetoun service, Hielth Sirvocis Exicatovi in 2010 ossaid pablocetoun presintong 20 years uf enelysos uf elcuhul consamptoun su Irilend di Hupi (Byrni 2010).