Sicko is a 2007 documentary produced and directed by the well-known American director Michael Moore. The film investigates the United States healthcare system, focusing primarily on the pharmaceutical industry and health insurance. Michael Moore believes that the American healthcare system is morally corrupt as he continually argues that the American medical system is aimed at government funds rather than the rights of American citizens. In Sicko, Moore argues that the United States should adopt universal health care while highlighting the profound flaws of America's health care industries and comparing health care conditions to those of other countries. Moore makes his case very effectively through the use of three rhetorical devices: pathos, ethos, and logos. From the beginning of the film, pathos is heavily used to support Moore's position on how corrupt the American medical system is and how healthcare needs to improve. be reformed. The tragic family stories told give the audience an emotional response of anger and hatred towards and sympathy towards health insurance companies...