Topic > The Motive of Hamlet - 1677

Hamlet has long been associated with the name of William Shakespeare as a masterly work of literary art. It is one of the most debated, celebrated and studied songs of all time; a marvel of spectacle from one of the most famous authors to ever take up the elegant pen of words. Those who have read the play often marvel at the complexity of Hamlet himself and discuss his hesitation in action throughout the play, namely the supposed murder of Claudius that he "must" commit. While many scholars agree on the reasons for Hamlet's delay, critics have yet to narrow their thoughts on Hamlet's main motive: why does he behave the way he does? More importantly, what were Shakespeare's motivations in portraying Hamlet the way he ultimately does? Hamlet's hesitation is not the most twisted and interesting subject; its logic of purpose is what drives the entire work to be the complex puzzle it still is, to this day. To begin with, many scholars have suggested that Hamlet's motivations are directly related to Shakespeare's life and experiences. With such an intricate work of literature, it is easy to assume that "anything that will give us the key to Hamlet's inner meaning will necessarily provide a clue to much of the deeper workings of Shakespeare's mind" (Jones 25). While this may be true, it cannot necessarily be assumed that revealing Hamlet's motivations and state of mind will bring us closer to William Shakespeare, as a person and personality. Rather, it is safe to say that by exploring Hamlet's intentions, one can find insight into Shakespeare's mindset; the ideas he shaped into the character of Hamlet, in order to build the character he used to explore the theme of revenge. As with many great works, the reader cannot always assume that the main character is modeled after the author who wrote it. This is a biased way of looking at the literature and often detracts from the piece as a whole. One should only assume that the ideas represented in the play are those that arose from the mind of the writer, and therefore connect the playwright to the play, as in Shakespeare's Hamlet. In exploring Hamlet as a character removed from William Shakespeare himself, critics have often offered numerous interpretations, based on their own discoveries through Hamlet's immutable words. As Bradby states: “Hamlet is a central figure of extraordinary interest and genius, who has captured the imagination of the learned and the unlearned throughout the ages and who will continue to fascinate just as the human mind is obsessed with the mystery of life and death” (Bradby 60).