A long-standing problem in America is racism, Caucasians being historically the dominant race. While racism is not as serious a problem as it was in the past, even today there still exists a population of people, known as white supremacists, who believe that Caucasian Christians are supreme over all other collective groups. There are many white supremacist groups, which have nuances between them. For example, some are politically focused in trying to get only certain officials elected, while others are religiously focused in trying to promote their own religious ideals. Some are even radical, going so far as to harass and even kill those who are not like them. One of the groups that focus specifically on religion are the Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations, a religiously driven American white supremacist group, perverts biblical text to rationalize their beliefs and recruit more members. Members of the Aryan Nations believe in racism, segregation and have acted on their beliefs. The Aryan Nations use biblical references to rationalize and justify racism. Aryan Nations was founded in 1977 by Richard Butler. Butler's beliefs were inspired by Wesley Swift, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. In Wesley Swift's "Children of the Beast", he provides general and dubious biblical references and uncantonized books of the Bible to use as evidence to explain his racist beliefs. Explained by catholicbible101.com, the “non-cantonized” books of the Bible are the 7 books of the Old Testament excluded from the Protestant versions of the Bible. In “The Children of the Beasts,” Swift explains that when God referred to “all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move along the ground… to the center of the paper… ....p- 1/encoded/Oi8vd3d3LmFyeWFuLW5hdGlvbi5vcmcvZHJfc3dpZnQuaW5kZXguaHRtbA%3D%3Dhttp://ancienthistory.about.com/od/celtsmyth/tp/010209celticgods.htm http://norse-mythology.org/ http://archive.adl.org/learn /ext_us /aryan_nations.html http://www.spokesman.com/topics/aryan-nations/ http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/aryan-nations http ://www.kxly .com/news/Aryan-Nations-attempting-return-to-North-Idaho/-/101270/696056/-/12vxayx/-/index.html http://vault.fbi.gov/ Aryan%20Nation http:/ /www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=us_domestic_terrorism_tmln&haitian_elite_2021_organizations=us_domestic_terrorism_tmln_aryan_nations http://hurt2healingmag.com/hate-crime-charges-against-members-of-the-aryan-nation/ http: //www.huffingtonpost. com/2013/07/29/kkk-aryan-nations-idaho_n_3670686.html http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/terrorism/wrjp255a.html