Plastic surgery is a corrective specialty used for personal or medical purposes. Many people think that plastic surgery is only used to make the nose smaller or breasts bigger, when in reality it is used for much more. For example, plastic surgery can also help someone who has been burned by placing skin from another part of the body over the burn. Plastic surgery is mainly used to fix oneself because they feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable in their own skin. There are two main branches of plastic surgery: reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is mostly used if someone suffers an accident and needs a part of their body to function again. For example, if someone were run over by the hand, doctors would need to reconstruct the person's entire hand for the hand to function again. A certain part of the body does not become perfect again, but manages to function for the person who received the treatment. Where cosmetic surgery is used only for issues related to personal appearance and corrects someone's personal imperfections. In particular, cosmetic surgery is on the rise, and the number of people undergoing plastic surgery has increased over the past 10 years. A survey was conducted in 2012 and nearly 2800 women received breast implants. That's 7% less than in 2011, but the number is still high. Nose reshaping increased by 4%. For men, the number of facelift procedures increased by 7 percent from 2011 to 2012. During the 2013 holiday season, more and more women underwent cosmetic surgery. They were given as gifts by spouses and other family members. According to ABC News during an interview, Dr. Barry Weintraub said that his... middle of paper... is a good doctor to perform their surgery. Patients should also be aware of the possibility of developing mental stability once undergoing cosmetic surgery, so as not to suffer from a mental disorder around perfection. The prices of cosmetic surgery do not only depend on the initial procedure, but also on the maintenance. Doctors should also be aware of their patients' health and make sure all their needs are met. So, if a person is considering cosmetic surgery, he also considers all the factors and aspects that come with it. Works Cited www.forbes. com 2320679/Korean-woman-Hang-Mioku-injects-cooking-oil-for-plastic-surgery-rejected-face.html