Some Chinese do not understand how Americans can eat beef, believing it is improper to eat livestock that work on farms. Americans, by contrast, don't understand how some Chinese and Koreans can eat dogs, animals often treated as pets or family members in the United States. Interestingly, the Korean government banned traditional delicacies such as dog stew, snake soup, bloodworm soup, and deer antlers during the Olympics for fear of offending foreigners who might label Koreans as barbarians. . Therefore, culture not only influences what should be consumed, but also influences what should not be purchased.3. What is the SRC (self-reference criterion)? The SRC explains how the individual tends to bind himself to his own cultural assumptions. The individual therefore observes foreign cultures by referring to personal cultural values. As a result, perceptions of events abroad may be distorted by the effects of CRS.4. Distinguish between high-context and low-context cultures. In low-context cultures (e.g., the United States), messages are explicit and clear in the sense that real words are used to convey the bulk of the information in the communication. Words and their meanings, being independent entities, can be separated from the context in which they are found