Gap Analysis: Riordan Manufacturing Because employees are gifted at solving difficult problems that arise from time to time, they can be lax about the day-to-day responsibilities of their job. How can a CEO embrace employees' courage to continue to reinforce daily responsibilities in the workplace? As part of human capital management, directors can align employees with their respective skills. Riordan Manufacturing faces challenges that seem to employees to lack motivation, compensation, reward, or recognition. How important it is that employees have the tools necessary to effectively engage in the assignment of responsibilities. Motivation is extremely important, as it initiates an atmosphere of creativity. When workers aren't provoked with pay and benefits issues, implementing their skills into projects becomes rewarding. Situation Analysis Identification of Problems and Opportunities” Kossek quotes: “Too often, human resources (HR) innovations serve the needs of managers rather than those of employees. By implicitly focusing on the quantity rather than the quality of innovation, managers may be looking for HR "solutions" when they should be trying to understand what influences employee acceptance of innovations and what makes an HR program successful" (1990) p. 50. Inside Riordan's Human Resources Department, Yvonne did not fully understand employee expectations and the importance of recognition, reward both in a complex way and external to the organization. However, denying on a cognitive level the implications of low morale, employee turnover, and disputes created unrecognized situations unrecognized employee contributions to the organization also lead to missed opportunities to internally align employees with Riordan's future plans Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas Although Riordan has made changes strategically towards markets and production, stakeholder turnover is increasing; Neglecting job satisfaction has resulted in declining sales and profits are unstable. The need to understand the culture of the stakeholders and their skills must be aligned with the organization. Capaldo, Iandoli, Zollo mention "Excessive generalization makes the description of skills ambiguous and does not provide human resources managers with adequate practical information. An alternative, "situationalist" approach defines skills as situated and peculiar constructs whose meaning it is profoundly influenced by organizational culture and the unique way in which people make sense of their work" Capaldo, Iandoli, Zollo,( 2006) p.426End State Vision• Riordan Manufacturing has remained a Fortune 1000 for the past 10 years.• Riordan Manufacturing is best known in global HR magazines for its efficiency in using human capital practices.