There are many ways that using performance-enhancing drugs in sports can affect your life and the lives of everyone else around you. Have you ever thought about what your fans would think if they found out you were using enhancement drugs? What about your parents, your wife, your children and your team? Have you ever thought about the overall physical, emotional, or mental health risks that using performance-enhancing drugs can cause? In life there are many factors to consider when faced with the possibility of using drugs to improve your athletic abilities. Is gambling addiction or drug? Is it worth it? From my personal experience, no, it's not worth it. One of the most important things to consider when using performance-enhancing drugs is the health risks. There are many more disadvantages than advantages associated with the use of drugs. Consider the effects that enhancement drugs have on your mind and body. There are several physical problems that can result from the use of performance-enhancing drugs. As stated in one article; “Supplement use has been associated with high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, seizures, and sudden death” (Richard Buchanon, 2005, paragraph 13). The use of certain drugs in sports, such as painkillers, could cause extensive muscle damage and put your career at risk. How about the physical harm you might cause to another person? The results of anabolic steroid use could be equally physically damaging to an opponent; due to the increased strength of the user. In addition to physical strength, the mental anguish that comes from the chemical imbalance in the body only adds harmful possibilities to opposing players. There are many other physical factors to take into consideration before choosing illegal enhancement drugs. There are many factors that attract athletes to enhancement drugs. Most athletes use enhancement drugs for physical enhancement. For goal-oriented athletes, steroids or other enhancement drugs can help give them the edge they need to succeed. In a sport like football, a lineman's added size can mean a stronger offense or defense. There are some athletes who, along with the physical element provided by steroids, increase their self-confidence. In a case like mine, I found that the noticeable physical difference that steroids gave me really made me feel it