Topic > Freedom - 1307

Freedom remains the sole basis of American society as we know it. Without freedom the great American nation would never have been founded. To understand the true principles of freedom, it is necessary to understand the scope of the word. Philosophical freedom includes the ability to make choices without restriction, while political freedom is the state of freedom rather than physical confinement. Despite the importance of these ideas to our founding fathers, freedom has lost much of its importance in modern American society. The failure to emphasize the importance of freedom has diminished the quality of life of the entire American people. Positive freedom is the freedom to become all that you can (Positive Freedom). This idea can be considered, in general, a totalitarian principle because leaders who follow this ideology often believe that it is their responsibility to force citizens to become all that they can be. But this could also be considered democratic through government programs such as welfare, affirmative action, and many others created to improve society. Yet negative freedom is the primary freedom we desire in our lives. However, negative freedom is freedom from the constraints that limit us (Negative Freedom). In stark contrast to the totalitarian principles of positive liberty, negative liberty is based more on libertarian principles in which government takes a back seat allowing people to prosper through their own actions. A real vision of this might be the conservative principle of laissez-faire, an idea that the government should refrain from making laws that restrict economic activity. Freedom constitutes a small principle in the immense ideals of American freedom. Although positive freedom seems… middle of paper… to offer us the greatest opportunity to rally support not only across the area, but across the nation. If we publicize our opinions too radically, our chance to improve the quality of life will fail. Pursuing freedom outside the scope outlined in the constitution creates almost anarchy, which often does not increase the quality of life but significantly lowers it. The fight for freedom in America has taken a turn for the worse, as can be seen from this small amount of examples provided. The elitists continue to rule the nation unchallenged by anyone. The exponential rate at which our freedoms are not only curtailed but taken away can only be stopped through the political activism of all those involved in this great community. Even though we as a single person seem small in the grand scheme of things, it only takes one person to initiate explosive reforms..