Many mothers believe that they will not get pregnant by exclusively breastfeeding their babies. This practice is called the lactation amerrora contraceptive method (LAM) because women who exclusively breastfeed usually do not menstruate after giving birth. This results in natural infertility. However, many mothers are confused about fertility and breastfeeding due to the conflicting information they receive. These include myths that breastfeeding is an unreliable method of preventing pregnancy, and that breastfeeding prevents pregnancies no matter how often you breastfeed or even if your period has started again. Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? Yes, women can become pregnant while breastfeeding because, although they are less fertile during this time, they may not be sterile. You may not have your period for a few months after giving birth, but your body will release an egg two weeks before you start menstruating again. However, you won't know when you ovulated or released your egg until your first period begins. This means that if you don't want to get pregnant immediately after giving birth while breastfeeding your newborn, you need to use contraceptive methods when you have sex. Doctors recommend using barrier methods such as diaphragms and condoms, but others believe low-dose oral contraceptives or minipills are safe even during breastfeeding. Consult your doctor about using these progestin pills, which do not contain the hormone estrogen. Mothers who exclusively breastfeed usually don't have their periods until a year after giving birth. However, when the baby eats less at night, the mother may start having periods earlier, within 3 to 8 months. Mothers who supplement their diet with formula are... middle of the paper... old or older. Solid foods should be given to provide additional nutrition, not to replace breastfeeding. It is important to remember that the key to effective use of breastfeeding for birth control is to maintain breastfeeding frequency. This ensures that blood levels of the hormone called prolactin are high enough to suppress ovulation. When the baby eats less, prolactin levels decrease and reproductive hormones increase, causing fertility to return. If you follow these guidelines, lactation amenorrhea can last 13-16 months, or an average of 14.5 months without a period after giving birth. However, it is also possible for periods to return after six months in some women or up to 2-3 years for others. .bc