While they are at war with each other for Edmund's love, jealousy and resentment emerge between the two. Goneril plots to kill her own husband and kill her own sister, an act purely driven by greed and lust to win Edmund's love and have complete control of the kingdom (Lind). Being so power-hungry, Goneril has no conscience, even to her own flesh and blood. She is willing to fight and win at all costs as she bases her theory of life on the concept of "survival of the fittest". Goneril and Regan show superior strength as strong women by being deceitful and cruel towards their father, husbands, and ultimately each other, but their behavior caused everything to happen with dirty intentions, leading to their fall from power and death ( Teach). Shakespeare seems to paint all empowering women as conniving, selfish, and evil. Well, “if the shoe fits,” Goneril and Regan wear it