Topic > Such as education level (associate or graduate)...

Nurses make a considerable contribution to any hospital's labor budget. 40% of direct healthcare costs, as well as an additional 25% or more of funds allocated annually for operational expenses (Aiken et al, 2011). The role of nurses in the healthcare system is fundamental. Not only do nurses provide direct care to patients, but they also provide teaching, education, and safe environments. In this regard, nurses must possess the knowledge and skills necessary to avoid medication errors, adverse events, preventable patient deaths and provide the highest standards of care. Additionally, nurses are expected to help control health care costs by monitoring their patients, using evidence-based practices, and preventing sentinel events. Better patient outcomes, such as lower hospital mortality rates, are accompanied by better nursing education. Therefore, choosing the right education and qualification is essential. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the significance of education and discover the relationship between reducing the probability of death of hospitalized patients and increasing the number of nurses holding a college degree. This essay discusses the importance of associate as well as bachelor's training programs as it relates to patient care. It also highlights the implications of nursing education in the areas of practice, academics and research. Currently, registered nurses can enter the workforce with varying levels of education and degrees, including bachelors, associates and “entry” level diplomas. Many studies have been conducted evaluating the positive and negative effects that different levels of education have on patient safety and health. Numerous licensed nursing professionals... half of the document... movement, teamwork and collaboration, as well as expertise in public and community health and geriatrics. Nurses are also challenged to fill expanding roles and master technology tools and information systems, collaborating and coordinating care among teams of healthcare professionals. To respond to these growing demands, the IOM committee calls on nurses to achieve higher levels of education and suggests that they be trained in new ways that better prepare them to meet the needs of the population in the 21st century (IOM, 2011). Respond to these increasing healthcare demands placed on nurses, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program will be an essential educational tool, enabling nurses entering the workforce to meet challenges, accelerate recovery, and ensure patient safety, comfort, and increase the level of care (AACN, 2014b).