Over the course of the century, the ideal image of a woman has changed dramatically, which can be directly attributed to the powerful persuasion of the media. This ideal image transformed from a voluptuous 1950s Marilyn Monroe, size 14, to a 5'9, 100 lb. 1990s Kate Moss. The most shocking aspect is just what the girls are doing to get this “Kate Moss” image. Through the use of advertisements and stars on the big screen, this female representation directly targets the physical and mental well-being of women in cultures around the world. Throughout history, the typical characteristics of the ideal woman have oscillated between a muscular and curvy physique and a small physique with a narrow waist. In colonial times, women played a crucial role in the survival of the family. At the time, women commonly promoted themselves as physically strong, able, and fertile; however, after the turn of the century, it was more desirable for a woman to be small, frail, and with a tiny waist. Social status became an important factor in this movement. Upper class men sought to marry women with these characteristics because the more the frail and incapable women had to work, the more these plantation owners were justified in owning slaves (Derenne 258). This historical moment showed some of the most drastic measures taken to achieve this ideal image, in which women appeared sickly and were exceptionally prone to headaches. Final schools across the country taught high-ranking young women how to pass out properly. Some women even went as far as having their ribs removed, keeping in mind that this was a time of poor medical technology. Corsets were also at the height of their popularity, constraining women to the point of making them gasp and – in… half the paper… the statistic for the island having only one recorded eating disorder increased from 0% to a whopping 69% (259). Magazines also share this negative influence in a more subtle way. Women tend to place models on a pedestal, considering them the definition of female beauty; however, these women also tend to lack insider knowledge, which actress Jamie Lee Curtis had publicly spoken about. Works Cited Derenne, Jennifer L., and Eugene V. Beresin. “Body image, media and eating disorders.” Academic Psychiatry 30.3 (2006): 257-61. ProQuest. Network. March 18, 2014.Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. The Lolita effect: the media sexualization of girls and what we can do about it. Woodstock, NY: Overlook, 2008. Print.Sams, Leroy B. and Janet A. Keels, eds. Body image handbook: Gender differences, sociocultural influences, and health implications. Sl: Nova Science, 2013. Print.