Topic > College Education: Expenses, Debt, and Work Difficulties

College isn't so much a promise of success as an opportunity for success. Young adults should not think that college is the best and only option for them. Robert Reich highlights this idea in his writings, stating, “Last year, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 46 percent of recent college graduates held jobs that didn't even require a college degree.” For many people, college can be a terrible investment, and while more and more jobs require a college degree, there are many jobs that don't. Even after graduating, many people find that they have a job that has nothing to do with their field of study. Additionally, College is not something for everyone, but working is Len Penzo said, “There are many relatively high-paying jobs available that do not require a college degree. According to US Department of Labor projections, 63% of all new jobs created between now and 2020 will not require a college degree.” In recent decades, college degrees have served as a guarantee for easy access to middle-class life. But the middle class is in decline. While the need to have a college degree continues to increase in our society, there are also many new and innovative ways that people can find a way to earn a living without a college degree. Those who put their faith in the old system find themselves with nowhere to climb. Finally, college simply isn't something everyone can handle. Penzo also stated that “Not everyone is capable of going to college. If they were, 54% of all Americans who enroll in college would not drop out. Look, college is hard enough for those who are motivated; for people who attend and don't really want to be there, it's almost impossible." The idea that every young person should go to college is wrong. College can be a path to success, but it can also be a waste of time and