The first migrations from Bulgaria to our country, which began with the Russo-Ottoman wars (1806-1812), continued during the Republican period. Following Bulgaria's increased pressure on the Turks starting in 1923, the Turks living here began to migrate to the homeland (Sarınay, 2011:357). To regulate these waves of migration that occurred in the early years of the Republic, a Turkish-Bulgarian residency agreement was signed in Ankara on 18 October 1925 (Soysal, 1983). According to this agreement; Voluntary migration of Turks living in Bulgaria would not be prevented, immigrants could bring their movable property and animals with them and could also freely sell their immovable property. With this agreement, migration from Bulgaria to Türkiye has become systematic, with an average of 10,000 people migrating every year. The number of immigrants from Bulgaria to Turkey between 1923 and 1933 was 101,507, and during the dictatorship of King Boris in Bulgaria from 1934, the annual immigration rate to Turkey exceeded 20,000 in 1935 and 1938 (Öksüz, 2000: 178-179). ). In 1939, the number of immigrants reached 198,688 people (Şimşir, 2009:229). Following intense immigration from the Balkans starting in the 1930s, Turkey enacted the Settlement Law on June 14, 1934, to regulate the acceptance and settlement of immigrants. . During World War II and the years following the war, immigration to Turkey decreased significantly due to Bulgaria largely banning foreign travel and not issuing passports to Turks for immigration. In fact, 21,353 Bulgarian Turks immigrated to Türkiye between 1940 and 1949 (Şimşir, 2009:230). With the coming to power of the communist regime in Bulgaria in 1944, the Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP) gained the support of the population. ..... Bilgi Yayınevi.Sarınay, Y. (2011). Migrations from the Balkan countries to Ankara in the republican era (1923-1990), Atatürk Research Center Journal, 27 (80), p. 351-387Akça, B. (2008).“1945-1990 Turkish-Bulgarian relations and Bulgarian immigrants settled in Muğla province in this period” AAMD, 24 (70), p. 77Hakov, C. (2002). “Adventure on the Immigration of the Bulgarian Turks” Türkler, Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları.Geray, C. (1961). Migrations to and from Turkey and Immigrant Settlement, (1923-1961), Ankara: Ajans-Türk Matbaası, E. (1990). The great migration and the Homeland in the light of historical documents: (causes, dimensions, results), Ankara.Baklavacıoğlu, Ö. N. (2009). “The importance of property, citizenship, social security issues and political representation in the agenda of Bulgarian immigrants” Events commemorating assimilation and forced migration from the past to the present, December 26-27, 2009-İzmir.