u would believe that writers would support each other with the changes in their lives and their repercussions, but during the 1800s some writers thought differently and this was the case with Percy Shelley, a poet who he expressed his disdain for the change in Williamworths' writing in his poem "Toworth". Like many critics of this period, Shelley has the speaker reflect many of the complaints about the difference in Wordworth's writing, the speaker speaks to the "Nature Poet" in a degrading tone throughout the fourteen-line poem. Like others when I first read this poem I saw it as a celebration of Williamworth's life until I discovered that Shelley died long before William'sworth was eighty and that Shelley was not celebrating the life of Williamworth as a whole but only the part of his life spent writing poetry the part of his life that was "alive" until he "died" when he took a government job, Shelley was not the only one disappointed by the change in the creative nature of Worth, many modern critics believed that his creative change had occurred...