Robots Are Taking Over Humans' Work In the Terminator film series, the Terminator comes from a world controlled by robots. Technology has become so advanced that Cyber Dyne Systems Skynet has taken control of human-controlled robots and bombed the world. This story is impossible in reality, but robots should not be taken lightly in today's world. Technology in the 21st century becomes more advanced every day. Robots are used in factories and even in people's homes. What if the Terminator film series got it right? Human workers, who work in factories, machinery, plants, human-controlled daily jobs such as cash register operators, are being replaced by robotic automation. This is a big problem for everyday employees. Jobs that were once performed by human workers are now being replaced every day by robot “workers.” It is unethical to replace human employees with robotic automation and computer-controlled systems. It is important to be aware of how and when to use robotic automation as robotic automation is useful, if used sparsely. Robots are a problem for humans because robot technology is becoming smarter and more reliable industrial robots and drones leading to better factory production. It is often cheaper to buy a robot or an industrial program than to train a human worker and pay him for his work. The major 2014 Oxford study found that the number of US workers moving into new industries was surprisingly low: in 2010, just 0.5% of the workforce was employed in sectors that did not exist in 2000. The discussion about humans, machines and work tends to be a discussion about an indeterminate point in the distant future. But it's time to face reality. The future is now. (UPI above