According to Pittman and Cahill (1992,32), the positive development of young people is: "the ongoing process in which all young people are engaged in meeting their physical, personal and social skills and to build a set of skills and competences that seem useful in their present and future life”. According to the WHO website, adolescence is a phase of life that takes place between the ages of 10 and 19, in which both physical and psychological changes.In my essay I will discuss some psychological issues that may arise in a teenager's development and how this may or may not affect their psychological health and well-being and finally sexuality. According to the Psychology Today website, teenagers go through a period of disorientation and discovery. During this time teenagers can be very vulnerable to many different things and this can lead to some mental health problems. One of these problems is how the adolescent identifies himself. In the book "Adolescent Development: A Reference for Professionals" (2002) it is stated that there are two steps towards identity. The first step is self-concept and this refers to the traits the teenager thinks they have, for example height, intelligence, athletic ability. The second step is self-esteem, this is how the teenager sees himself. This could also be called the concept of “possible selves” (Markus & Nurius, 1986), which is basically how the adolescent sees himself now and how he hopes to see himself in the future. In the study “Young People's Views of Their Present and Future Selves in Two Disadvantaged Communities” (Kloep, Hendry, Gardener, & Seage, 2010) they examined the issues…at the heart of the paper…that lead to problems such as anorexia, bulimia and depression. Many fully formed teenagers try to lose weight by going to the extreme of vomiting after eating or not eating at all. Bulimia, in which teenagers force themselves to vomit, is a serious health problem that can cause heart failure. Bulimia is also a major mental health problem among teenagers. Another unhealthy option they resort to to lose weight is to become anorexic. Anorexia is an eating disorder in which you choose not to eat any food. This can lead to teenagers having a lack of energy and serious health problems. Overall, the media leads teenagers to have self-esteem issues that will lead them to a dangerous lifestyle. As time passes, teenagers will become so inclined to follow what the media says that they lose part of who they are in the hopes of becoming someone who doesn't even exist..