Using Csikszentmihalyi's concepts of flow, these authors hypothesized that experiencing flow at work would create a positive leadership role, which would ultimately lead to great satisfaction towards them work (Smith, Koppes and Vodanovich). When a person is satisfied with their job, they are more likely to be organized and perform to their maximum ability. Some researchers have attempted to use flow to measure the relationship between flow usage and employee attitudes as they perform their jobs. The more an employee uses flow in daily work life, the happier the employee will be in life well-being (Fullagar and Kelloway). Using psychological flow in everyday work life has been proven to be extremely helpful in creating a happy employee who is satisfied with the work they are doing. Researcher Bakker stated that while experiencing flow, a person should experience an intense feeling of accomplishment and contentment, even as they perform the task they are expected to do every day in their job (Bakker). Contrary to Csikszentmihalyi's definition of flow, researcher Bakker (2008) defines "flow as the experience of complete absorption, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation." This definition differs from Csikszenmihalyi's due to Bakker's lack of concentration on a specific task at hand. Csikszenmihalyi's definition of flow is more precise for completing a task that requires stress while Bakker's is a broad sense of satisfaction in completing any task. Having many different researchers offering their perspective on psychological flow is