Topic > The Flagler Museum - 880

The Flagler Museum was an experience unlike any other. From the moment I walked through the doors of the grand hall, to the moment I returned to reality from the dream I felt I had just been a part of, I was in awe and amazement at the detail and decadence of this former home. The rooms that I found most intriguing in terms of color and texture were the master bedroom, the blue room, the pink room, the library, and the yellow rose room. The master bedroom was one of the first rooms I set up to see, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the color they had chosen for this room was yellow! The first thing I felt when I saw this brilliantly colored room was immediate joy, because everything was so bright and cheerfully lit by the afternoon sun. The color of this room not only contributes to the feeling of splendor and cheerfulness that the room itself has to offer, but commands this feeling. The bright shade of yellow chosen for the walls mixed with the creamy shades of ivory and warm gold that populate the furniture are very complementary to each other, and especially with the aura of warmth and sunlight that the room emits. It would be difficult to evaluate this room in terms of design without the color impacting the feel of the room itself. Yellow is not just a part of the room, a simple element that contributes to the feel of the room as a whole, but rather it is the dominant element, the deciding factor of what the aura of the room will be. the next room I discovered was the Blue Room. The Blue Room was a completely different style from the master bedroom; the walls were covered in a cool shade of blue, with vertical stripes showing two different shades of... in the center of the paper... the yellow rose pattern on the wallpaper. This room was so overwhelmed by the pattern of yellow roses everywhere that it seemed almost completely flat, because there was nothing to interrupt the space of this insanely loud pattern. This room drained me emotionally; I felt overwhelmed by the intensity of the colors and patterns happening around me, and overall, I didn't enjoy being in this room at all. My overall experience at the Flagler Museum was wonderful; I absolutely loved soaking in all the beauty this villa had to offer me and would love to return as soon as possible. I found the house inspiring design-wise and loved being able to analyze certain rooms in terms of glorious colors and sumptuous textures. This was by far the best museum visit I have ever had and eighteen dollars I would happily spend again.