Writing essays wasn't my strong point, or so I thought. While working on eLearning Module 5, titled Visual Organizers, Outlining and Drafting. These words meant nothing to me when I first entered the module because I thought some people didn't need to use visual organizers or outlines. I was exceptionally wrong about this. What surprised me was that the visual organizers and outlines, part of the prewriting phase, taught in the eLearning module were very simple and I was able to write down many ideas to start my essay. It made essay writing much easier, less stressful, and faster. I wrote my persuasive essay on the importance of sex education in schools and argued that schools do not teach students enough about sex in the United States and that this country has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections sexuality in the world. With the help of my teacher, the comments on my first draft once again aided me in editing, to help me turn the essay into a more persuasive essay. I feel like I've made a solid argument on the topic and eliminated the counterarguments regarding the