His argument however is not complete and he neglects to show any support for his claims that science teaching needs to change. Dewitt provides only one example of the story he tells, he does not include important factors to support his claims such as expert testimony, statistics, supporting evidence, or comparisons. Due to this incomplete nature, his argument could be seen as nothing more than a random telling of stories. Which, in many ways, is exactly Dewitt's argument. DeWitt does not review examples of students who have no problems with the course material. In other words, it doesn't talk about students who don't need a different teaching method to succeed in science, and the whole host of problems that could arise by slowing down the pace of a class. A listener to his argument might well refute him by saying that his teaching method might be just as detrimental to learning as a fast, smart, precise pace in the classroom. Dewitt would have done well to exploit this potential