Peaceful PondMy Pond an escape, a liberation, an excursion from normal daily activities. The dimensions of the pond do not exceed 3/10ths to 1/10th of a mile. It is set among lush green and yellow pines and maples and surrounded by regularly mowed green grass. The green shade blends are similar to a child's drawing using 5 different bright green and yellow markers. Many hours can be spent simply thinking on top of a rock jutting out of the ground towards the east side of the Pond. A thinking rock, as you could sit by the pond for as long as you can remember. The rock is about 5 feet high off the ground and has a circumference of about 20 feet around the base. The top of the rock is leveled, forming a flat bench. This flat bench has provided a good seat over the years allowing you to peer over the pond. You may look around and reflect on life's questions and be fascinated by everything around you and listen to the sounds of nature. I hear many sounds; the rib of a plump dirty green frog hidden among the undergrowth, the chirping of birds high in the sky and the gentle wind as it rustles the leaves on the trees. The most amazing scene that you can witness many times along this pond are the ducks. Every few days you can see a family of ducks traveling on the green grass. The smallest duck, no more than 4 inches tall, would march proudly towards the end of the flock. Sparse, fine tufts of fuzz are seen above his otherwise naked self as he moos, in his newborn duckling voice, a high-pitched quack. As your eyes follow the family toward the frond of the line, the older ducks appear covered in stiffened, shiny feathers. As the largest and most mature ducks in this family, their quacks are extremely high-pitched and emit a high-pitched, high-pitched voice.