With the rapid career advancement programs out there, it's really a common question for a registered nurse to wonder why they need to get that certification. There are numerous benefits that can be gained through specializations, aside from different work organization and responsibilities, registered nurses receive compensation above the regular rate of a registered nurse. Most administration and employers place greater weight on the documents and certification obtained by a professional nurse. While clinical experience is still a must, obtaining a certification in one of the specialties offered is very important. Obtaining a certification actually starts with a self-assessment. A professional nurse with the desire to move forward in her career should try to analyze what her strengths and weaknesses are. Aside from that, he should also consider the resources he is going to use to obtain such certification. For example, when a nurse practitioner decides to pursue pediatric nurse certification, the key idea is that a nurse practitioner truly cares about children and alterations in children's growth and development. Aside from the firm decision, being familiar with the concept of pediatrics and its setting must also be considered. Previous exposure to pediatric wards and intensive care units can hone a nurse practitioner's skills. Most of the work involves taking into account the growth and development of children and how the nurse should be able to intervene when changes such as hospitalization, procedures and interventions on the child occur. This external factor affects not only the child... the center of the paper... the appearance of the work. Accompanying the child on the journey of healing from a physical defect actually affects him psychologically. The influence of pediatric nurses on children can actually influence them into adulthood. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, there will be more job opportunities for pediatric nurses in the coming years. The demand is quite broad and clinical experience is sought among these people. The average earnings of these nurse practitioners can reach $70,000 per year, making it an attractive job for registered nurses who have a heart for children. As stated above, there are numerous reasons why registered nurses should choose to be certified as advanced pediatric nurse practitioners. Because it promises better pay, an aspiring nurse's personal growth is the main motivation after all.