There were cases of repeat offenders always serving time for similar, related, or different crimes. Judging of repeat offenders is a little harsh compared to that of first time offenders and most of the first group end up serving time if caught and charged again or if they have a history with the criminal justice system - it's pure psychology and a question of perception. Furthermore, even when the judgment is not severe as such, some offenders are simply not willing to rehabilitate and change, or may end up finding themselves returning to criminal ways in the near future. Their frequent incarceration, even for shorter periods than capital criminals, significantly increases the number of prisoners. For example, a capital offender may be sentenced to ten years at the same time as ten other minor offenders must serve one year. By the time the capital offender is ten years old, the other ten minor offenders may have served in the same prison at least twice for shorter periods or so (Drago et al.,