Why We Celebrate a Kill I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. -Jessica Dovey). Returning hate for hate multiplies the hate, adding a deeper darkness to an already starless night. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that ~Dr. MLK Jr. With the death of Osama bin Laden, were America's celebratory actions justice or revenge? Many who do not understand patriotism may believe that the celebration following Osama bin Laden's death was a hate-filled celebration. However, after September 11, 2001, America wanted justice (even if some wanted revenge). Nonetheless, Osama bin Laden's death does justice to his direct involvement in the September 11 attacks. But what was the cause of the celebration? The main celebration was the feeling of “finally feeling safe”. Behavioral psychologists seem to omit human safety from the analysis of human behavior. Human security is not only freedom from war, but also the need for human beings to feel safe...