The story is set in Yosemite National Park from 1838 to 1914. John Muir was a botanist, geologist and writer. He has overcome earthquakes, glaciers and climbed mountains. John Muir had impressed by overcoming all dangers like animals. He was a wilderness expert. Knows survival skills to stay alive. He studies nature and writes about nature. He created a national park system and the Sierra Club. He knew that the Native Americans called the place “Pohono,” or spirit of the blowing wind. At first he called it a "gentle little fall...only about fifteen or twenty feet high." John laughed after finding out that Bridalveil Fall drops 620 feet. He writes all kinds of quotes about nature, for example: "I am a prisoner, I am bound. The love of pure and uncontaminated nature seems to dominate and obscure from view all other objects and considerations." John works in his "doodle den". John had two brothers and five sisters and their names are: Margaret, Sarah, David, Dan, Mary, Annie and Joanna. For several years he had toyed with writing his findings for publication. Jeanne Carr was the one who encouraged him. He even suggested titles and copied his notes. John decided to send an article to the New York Tribune. To his surprise, the newspaper published "Yosemite Glaciers" on December 5, 1871 and paid him $200, which was a lot of money at the time. On New Year's Day 1872, the same newspaper published "Yosemite in Winter." John thought he could make a living by writing, what he called "pen work." He stayed in his cabin for the winter and wrote it.