In 1821, Venezuela became a country after being ruled by Spain. Venezuela was claimed by Christopher Columbus soon after his arrival in 1498. Spain ruled Venezuela for over 300 years until 1800, when Venezuelans fought for freedom from Spain led by Simon Bolivar. (Gibson, 2007) LocationThe country of Venezuela is located in northern South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. The capital of Venezuela is Caracas, which is located on the northern coast of the country. Neighboring countries include Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south. Venezuela has a surface area of 912,050 square kilometers, or approximately 352,143 square miles. This may be comparable to just over double the size of California. ("Geography and map of Venezuela", 2005)("Map of Venezuela", 2014)PopulationThe last recorded population in the Republic of Venezuela dates back to 2013, where there were approximately 29.28 million people ("Population of Venezuela 2013 | World Population Statistics", 2013). The Venezuelan people are known to be mixed...