Then look at this new number. The current world population is 7,244,932,870. In just a few days, the total population of the planet increased by 732,700 people. If that increase happens in a few days, imagine where we will be in a year or even five years. With all the problems that have accompanied population growth, there have been organizations and communities of people who are trying to find plausible ways to work towards a solution. Proper education for young adults is essential to solving this problem. Teenage pregnancy is overly glorified and popularized with television shows and movies. To improve this situation, thorough sexual education is necessary. classes that students are required to attend. Young women need to know that having children is not their job. There are other options for them. They also need to know that they should only have children when they are ready to start a family. It's important to have a plan when deciding to have children. Contraceptives should also be more readily available