Topic > Example of interpassivity in advertising - 957

On the contrary, interactive advertising aims at the common point between products and consumers. However, in today's world, describing the practical functions and benefits of products is no longer enough for consumers. Consumers are interested in the symbolic value and imaginary beliefs that a brand attaches to the product and image. These are the concepts of "interpassivity", "thieving joy" and "illusions without owners", which describe interactive communication in contemporary society. Consumers' emotional expression is delegated to a brand, if a brand can satisfy or provide them with psychological needs and experiences. However, the relevance between a brand and the symbolic value of its provided products symbolize the company to consumers. And the effects of a brand's symbolic capacity are much more important than others. As Markus Walz, Sean Hingston, and Mikeal Adehn agree with McCracken's view that “[consumer goods have a meaning that goes beyond their utilitarian character and commercial value… their ability to carry and communicate cultural meaning]. Therefore, it would appear that while brands may have commercial relevance in their DNA, they have actually evolved into something beyond that.” (Walz, Hingston, & Adehn, 67). Therefore, it is significant for a brand through interactive advertising