Having an alimony agreement in place and on file can save you time, headaches and more money. Certain situations and circumstances may determine how long, how much, and what type of settlement you will be rewarded for. Before awarding spousal alimony, courts must determine the reason for the divorce because it may be one of the factors in awarding spousal alimony. A spouse can't just say he won't do this or that; must meet the requirements. Qualifications are based on income, fault, length of marriage, age and more. If they meet the maintenance requirements, the judge will have an order for payment. For example, if one spouse wants a divorce because infidelity was involved in their marriage and they don't want to get out, the person who committed adultery will be found guilty and will have to pay alimony to the other spouse. Would divorce be difficult without alimony? Divorce would be extremely difficult because there would be conflict, greed, and unresolved issues. The issues are very ugly for most divorce cases, as those are quite common in divorce. Many divorced couples tend to argue about everything, and in most divorce cases the situation can be very ugly. Divorce never seems to end pleasantly due to emotions, injustice, and jealousy that get in the way of dividing assets. Some women and men prefer to have