Topic > Analysis of the poem Design by Robert Frost - 773

In the poem Design by Robert Frost, Robert begins the poem by telling the readers about the sight before him. A white spider, a white moth and a white flower; all these things have one thing in common: they are all white. White is the color most often associated with innocence, perfection, good, beginnings and the new. White is supposed to embody the idea of ​​purity and goodness. When we think of the color white, we essentially think of something sacred. Frost questions whether God's design applies universally or applies only to the actions of human beings. The poem begins with Frost's observation of nature. The first line begins with Frost's encounter with a spider. Frost describes this spider as a fat, white dimple spider. When you see the word dimples it reminds us of the dimples we see when someone smiles. So Frost is trying to paint a picture in his readers' minds that this spider is cute, harmless, and innocent. The second and third lines let readers know what this particular spider is doing, “On a white healer, holding a moth like a white piece of stiff satin cloth.” The happy mood of this poem quickly changed once Frost used the term “stiff.” Assorted Characters of Death and Doom,” the tone of the poem darkens more as Frost refers to what is happening before him in the next line. So from this line Frost lets his reader know that he sees a white spider holding a dead moth on a white healer. (An all-healer is a flower that is naturally blue and not white. Frost is specifying that the white healer has a disease; that's why he used the term rust.) The spider has now been branded as an evil spider. with evil intent. Frost continues this notion by adding the next two…half of the paper…set of rules and boundaries to adhere to; who had to take care of the animals that lived in the garden and eat from any tree except the one that was considered the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Once Eve was tempted by the serpent and fell into his trap, she went ahead and despoiled God and ate from the tree of knowledge and caused Adam and Eve to commit a sin and now be informed about good and bad intentions. All of this has caused a change in creation because of the choices we make in our lives that can cause death. For the spider his choice really worked in his favor such that he was hungry and before starting his day he needed to find something to eat. The spider needed food to continue its journey. Whi For example, I am that in this world it doesn't matter who you are; animal or human, we do things to be on top like in Surviv