The planning and preparation of the menu depends on the type of program and the choice of the guest. Different types of wine-based alcoholic beverages are served, including beer, wine, whiskey, vodka, rum, liqueurs, brandy, etc. of different brands. The wines are classified as red wines or white wines (depending on color); dry wine or sweet wines (where dry wine contains little or no sugar and sweet wine contains higher sugar content) or light (7 to 9% alcohol) or medium (9 to 16% alcohol) or strong (16 to 21% alcohol) (depending on alcohol content). The wine list also depends on the type of events. For example, if the gathering is a religious event of Muslims, alcoholic beverages are not permitted. This also includes soft drinks or other fruit juices or non-alcoholic drinks such as hot tea, coffee. The cooking process depends on the policy of the Grand Sultan, mixing the demand and choice of the guest. It can be refrigerated, vacuum packed, frozen etc. Or even the conventional method. Different forms of services are practiced. The type of services depends on the type of event or gathering. For example, the assisted service practiced in the wedding ceremony in which customers enter, sit down and are served completely or partially at the table by waiters. Very often buffet service is carried out where the food is displayed on the tables and the guests take their plate from the stack at the end of each table and take the food himself or ask the waiters behind the table to serve