To have a valid contract, it is necessary to establish six elements. Below is a defined list of these elements, as well as the analysis relevant to the case in question. legal offer. A legal offer is “an offer that shows the objective intent to enter into the contract, is defined and is communicated to the offeree” (Kubasek et al, 2015, p. 244). The legal offer in question is the offer to meet Mr. Peterson's needs for muscadine grapes at a price he was already accustomed to paying. I believe this offer existed unilaterally on the part of Marshall Peterson. legal acceptance. A legal acceptance is an “acceptance that shows the objective intention to enter into the contract, which is communicated by appropriate means to the offeror and which reflects the terms of the offer” (Kubasek et al, 2015, p. 247) . In order for the offer to be accepted, as specified above, communication of this offer is necessary. John Doe was unaware of this offer and conducted business only through individual requests and invoices at the time of each request. Consequently, it should be noted that the invoice can be considered evidence of a contract, but not a contract itself (2015). Does the pattern of requests amount to an implied contract to meet Mr. Peterson's needs? The matter will eventually be addressed by a court, however I would suggest that there is a possibility