Putting it into action is another” (Mendels, 2012, p. 58). The administrative aspect of school leadership requires knowledge and skills to develop a culture conducive to student learning, but it also requires a willingness to step up and lead in often difficult administrative areas such as hiring, managing personnel issues, defining school timetables and methodically planning budgets. David Dominquez made it clear in his presentation that the commercial aspect of the school cannot be overlooked (Dominquez, 2015). Without adequate administrative leadership, a school is unable to educate children. As our panelists shared, educational leaders face many challenging situations regarding staffing, budgets, logistics, and school culture. As a student leader, difficult situations will cause many headaches, but I look forward to guiding school staff through those difficult waters while still maintaining leadership and enthusiasm for the people who first called me to a career with students. students. I have the ability to influence many people based on how I handle administrative issues and tensions