Topic > Advertising: Advertising Theory and Practice

Psychology has always been an essential component of advertising. The main functions of advertising are to inform, persuade and influence. And as Walter Dill Scott, editor of the book “The Theory And Practice Of Advertising” said: “Man has been called the reasoning animal, but with greater truth he could be called the creature of suggestion. He is reasonable, but above all he is suggestible." One of the most widely accepted models of persuasion and often associated with advertising is the Elaboration Likelihood Model, also known as ELM. ELM is a dual process theory that identifies two ways in which a communication can be persuasive: the central route or the peripheral route. And depending on the processing skills and motivation of the recipient, one of two paths is taken. The middle path is the direct path of persuasion that appeals to logic and involves a great deal of thought. It is associated with high involvement, where involvement is how much time, energy and other resources the recipient is willing to invest in the process or, in other words, h...