I am dual certified in science and social studies. I enthusiastically welcome students of all backgrounds and abilities into my classroom. From the first day of class, I encourage all of my students to prepare for this journey we are about to embark on and embrace the challenge. Students are asked to put in hard work, perseverance and mental toughness and are assured that the rewards will be plentiful at the end of the school year. I stress the importance of recognizing and admitting your weakness so that you can receive the help you need to improve that particular standard. I share with students who don't like science that over the course of the year they will change their mind about science because the lessons will be practical and exciting. Students quickly learn that we are in the same situation and that it is not enough for them to reach the standard and leave a classmate behind. I encourage them to help each other often. My goal is for every student to master the NC essential standards, pass the end-of-year test, and be prepared for high school. I make a concerted effort to reach students who have traditionally been underrepresented in science fields, our students with special needs/disabilities, young