This assignment requires the development of a marketing flyer plan that outlines XYZ Construction INC's key offerings. This flyer will be used to inform potential customers about the accommodations offered by the company. A marketing plan can be simple; it just needs to be consistent (Schulaka, 2011). XYZ Construction Inc. performs horizontal construction work, including roads, airports and bridges. The company is headquartered in Denver, Colorado and has 16 field offices in 11 states. The workforce includes heavy and light equipment operators, civil engineers and project managers along with an administrative staff at headquarters with support staff in 16 field offices. The company has 2,300 year-round employees and will average 4,500 employees during peak construction periods. Currently, XYZ Construction Inc. is a privately held company that began as a family business in the 1950s. The current owners have decided that the time has come to transform the business from private to public ownership and plan its initial public offering (IPO) in 12 months. (NCU, 2014) To ease the transition over the next 12 months, the company owners hired Heather Romine, a private consultant, to help them compile and analyze key company information needed for the IPO event. Ms. Romine will help entrepreneurs better understand the marketing, management, business ethics, global scale, accounting, finance, economics, legal, information management, research, leadership and business integration aspects of the company. (NCU, 2014) Marketing for XYZ The timing of an IPO is crucial. Within the next twelve months, XYZ INC. plans to open its doors to become pu...... middle of paper ......, & West, P. (2012). Beyond the “Like” button: The impact of mere virtual presence on brand evaluations and purchase intentions in social media settings. Journal of Marketing, 76 (6) 105-120. doi: (2014). Task 2 Marketing Flyer Plan. Retrieved from 338593Rosencrance, L. (2014). Is the Internet of Things bad for your business? Daily business news. Retrieved from, C. (2011). The magic wand of marketing? Keep it simple and consistent. Journal Of Financial Planning, 24 (3), 30-33. WBDG Cost-Effectiveness Committee. (2012). Convenient. National Institute of Construction Science. Retrieved from