Intelligence and development are stimulated to improve the quality or good enough level of something at Southwest Airlines. Mission and Vision Review Without an idea, nothing could be accomplished. An idea helps to give a direction and a reason, which can be an effective spark for everyone around us, even for ourselves, and also to direct, stimulate a vision. To be successful it is necessary to acquire individuals as collaborators, employees or experts who agree with the company and who understand, recognize the company mission and vision by coordinating intimately. Creating shared visions and missions requires significant investment, effort, vitality and duty. ConclusionJustification if companies meet the standards of their declarations. Additionally, it is crucial that each person within the company has their own personal mission so that their thoughts together can develop a mission statement for that particular business. Without a mission and vision statement on where the company is going, they would not have a method for how they would be able to build their business goals and what they would like to accomplish with the