Sexual oppression was seen by early radical feminists as the first oppression women faced and all other aspects of oppression or repression were derived later. Sexual oppression, as defined by radical feminists, is based on relationships of domination and subordination between both sexes (Mandell, 2010). Radical feminists identify the state, family and motherhood as the three main areas in which women are most affected. Radical feminists focus on the daily lives of women as opposed to liberal feminists who focus on women's rights as a function of individual rights and laws. Radical feminists believe that patriarchy is established in every arm of social institutions and is also reconstructed on a global scale in everyday relationships, and for women to free themselves from patriarchy they must resist the system. (Daly, 1978: 28; Donovan, 2000: 156; Mandell, 2010: 22). According to radical feminists, the State is built and founded on male interests, and leaving women's interests and liberation to the State will only result in the disrespect, violation and rape of women by the patriarchal order. Radical feminists believe that state authority is an extension of male authority over women's sexuality and although the state preaches