Therefore, by being passed down into the African American population as a cultural identifier, American Airlines had created a policy that prevented a group of people from fully expressing their culture by discriminatorily forcing them to “ fade into the mainstream." Yet, the fact remains that cultural beliefs and practices are often etched into a person's identity, which is composed of immutable traits. While the court found cornrows to be changeable due to the idea that they are simply a hairstyle chosen and popularized by a white actress (although the fact that a white actress uses a primarily African-American attribute does not make that attribute a holistic one, white, American attribute), cornrows had become an immutable trait for Rogers, explaining his concern and reason to sue for his rights. In this way it becomes evident how Yoshino and the courts make it appear that there is a standard and universal guideline as to which traits are immutable or mutable, and contrary to that opinion, Roger's case fully demonstrates that the classification of an attribute as immutable or mutable mutable can only be relative, and that the only opinion that should overcome all classifications of the attribute is that belonging to the one who identifies with that