Electronic health records have been around for more than 30 years, but since 2010 they have been widely adopted throughout the healthcare industry. Electronic health records (EHRs) are made up of many components that work together to “automate access to information and have the potential to streamline the clinician's workflow” (“Electronic Health Record,” 2012). The system enables more efficient and accurate patient care, while reducing long-term costs for healthcare facilities. As small healthcare practices have moved slowly in adopting electronic health record (EHR) systems for their practices, their lack of preparation will cause problems for organizations in the transition to EHR implementation. This research paper will discuss why we need electronic health records (EHRs), the benefits of electronic health records (EHRs), and some factors associated with implementing successful electronic health record (EHR) systems. Implementing electronic health record (EHR) systems can help small healthcare facilities reduce costs and increase the efficiency of treatment for patients. Why we need electronic health records (EHRs) Electronic health records (EHRs) are electronic versions of patient health information generated and managed by health information management systems. Patient records include demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, vaccinations, laboratory data, and radiology reports (“Electronic Health Record,” 2012). Electronic health records allow for: easy backup of information, remote access to patient records, easy storage of information, reduction of office space, and many other features. According to Menachemi and Collum (2011), “three particular features are very promising…half of paper…printed book) electronic health record. (2012). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Retrieved from http://cms.hhs.gov/Medicare/E-Health/EHealthRecords (corporate author; technical report; published on the Internet) Henricks, S. G. (2011). “Meaningful use” of electronic health records and its relevance for laboratories and pathologists. Journal of pathology informatics. 2:7. doi: 10.4103/2153-3539.76733 Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. (2011). Advantages and disadvantages of electronic health record systems. Health risk management policy. 4: 47–55 doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S12985.Rao, SR, DesRoches, CM, Donelan, K., Campbell, EG, Miralles, PD (2011) Electronic health records in small medical practices: availability, use, and perceived benefits . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 18:271e275. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2010-000010.