INDEX 1.0 INTRODUCTION………………..Page 11.1 Context of the study………… ….………………Page 11.2 Purpose of the study…………….Page 21.3 Scope of the study………… ……………….………....Pag. 22.0 THE CONCEPT OF CORPORATE CULTURE……………….…...Page. 33.0 ASPECTS OF CORPORATE CULTURE………….. …Page 53.1 Shared assumptions………………...Page 53.2 Shared values…………………. …..Page 53.3 Shared socialization………………..Pag. 53.4 Shared symbols and languages…….Page. 64.0 TYPES OF BUSINESS CULTURE………………...Page. 75.0 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CORPORATE CULTURE……………………...….Page. 105.1 Organizational Climate……… …………………...Page. 105.2 Organizational Commitment…………Page. 105.3 Culture as Control…………..………… ………..….Page 126.0 CONCLUSIONS……………………..………………….…Page 147.0 REFERENCES………… …………………..Page 151.0 INTRODUCTION Corporate culture has continued to receive much attention in the business world because of its potential to influence organizational performance. It has been considered a key to an organization's success, and many organizations have come to appreciate the influence that corporate culture has on an organization's members. Much research has been conducted on the effects of corporate culture on organizations and to examine the extent of its ability to influence employee behavior. Denison (1990) found a correlation between an organization's values, beliefs and norms and its performance, while Kotter and Heskett (1992) believe that corporate culture has a long-term effect on organizational performance. Therefore, corporate culture is critical to shaping organizational behavior and therefore is very useful for... middle of paper......assessing culture: the final frontier of control. Journal of Management Studies, 23(3), pp, 287-298.Robbins, S. P. (1993). Organizational behavior (6th ed.). New Jersey, NJ: Prentice HallRowe, A. J., Mason, R. O., Dickel, K. E., Mann, R. B., & Mockler, R. J. (1994). Strategic management: A methodological approach (4th ed.). New York, NY: Addison-WesleySathe, V. (1983). Implications of corporate culture: A manager's guide to action. Organizational Dynamics, 12(2), pp, 4 – 23Schein, E.H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-BassSmircich, L. 1983. Concepts of culture and organizational analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28(3), pp, 339-358.Van Der Post, W. Z., De Coning, T. J., & Smit, E. Vd M. (1997). A tool for measuring organizational culture. South African Journal of Business Management, 28(4), pp, 147 – 169