AIDS prevalence and awareness in South AfricaJohannesburg, the largest metropolitan area on the African continent. The population of the main metropolitan area is 1,907,229 (WorldBook encycl.130). Johannesburg is also one of the richest goldfields in the world. Despite these positive aspects, Johannesburg is a city with a sad future, as it has been hit by one of the worst AIDS epidemics in the world. Every Saturday the nearby cemeteries are crowded with the arrival of people who have died of AIDS. Funeral officials say about 30 or 40 people are buried each week because of AIDS. One in ten people in South Africa is said to be affected by AIDS. Approximately 17 million people have died in Africa, accounting for nearly 80% of AIDS-related deaths worldwide. This is the equivalent of the combined populations of New York City and Los Angeles (www.Time/2001/aidsafrica). There is a conspiracy of silence fueling the spread of HIV in South Africa. Johannesburg is South Africa's largest city and has one of the fastest-growing infection rates. AIDS is now the leading cause of death in South Africa. Last year it accounted for 40% of all deaths between the ages of 15 and 49 ( By 2010, HIV prevalence in adults is expected to reach 25% of the total population. South Africa is expected to have the highest AIDS death rate until 2015. By then, the population will have declined to the point that the death rate will no longer be as high as in other areas. South Africa has a population close to 40 million. people: approximately 4.2 million (10.5%) are infected with the HIV virus. Of these, half are women aged between 15 and 49. Over 40% of pregnant women are HIV positive. The impact of AIDS in South Africa is overwhelming. The disease has orphaned 370,952 children. 95,000 children have been infected with AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in adults is 20%. Although there are limitations in extrapolating to the general population, an estimated 4.2 million people were HIV positive in 1999, compared to approximately 3.6 million in 1998. ( Statement of Need: Understanding Who Is Affected by AIDS Demographic data shows that the people most affected by AIDS are women and children. African women and children have been particularly affected by AIDS. There are currently 16 million African children who have lost at least one parent to AIDS. Johannesburg medical agencies say in their reports that in the next 10 years that number will reach 28 million.