. Collective Imperative Strategic Plan Ideally, the reverse process should occur, where the bespoke organization progresses from a detailed understanding of its problems, which ensures that a particular technology or technique is adapted to meet the needs of the bespoke organisation. This adaptation process should also take into account production and operation, size and workforce. The bespoke organization must be framed according to the needs of the bespoke organization and not vice versa. It is a decreasing function of improving the organization's decision making. If this were the case, strategic organizing imperative would gain another empirical prediction. Therefore, strategic planning management imperativeAs part of successful organizations, the strategic imperative of business organization is associated with the growth of large organizations. The strategic organizational imperative involves uncommon events and the recognition of entrepreneurial ventures. The central process of the activities of the bespoke organization according to the Enlightenment model is to raise the collective level of the imperative strategic plan of the bespoke organization. The starting point of the collective imperative strategic plan is the premise of the strategic imperative. Otherwise, imperative strategic planning management would prefer to adopt imperative strategic planning early in life so that employers can know their hidden capabilities from work experience. Furthermore, extensive work is needed to resolve these alternative explanations of the empirical evidence. Furthermore, the imperative predictions of strategic planning could also be explained by the hypothesis of cross-effects between innate and acquired skills together with the further assumption that the periodic increase in skills from work. The characteristics of the corporate organizational strategic imperative are new-business-venturing, product/service innovativeness, process innovation, self-renewal, risk-taking, proactive and competitive privilege. Information gathered from a sample of middle and top managers of each imperative strategic organization through face-to-face meetings, consulting sessions, interviews, mail and emails on the characteristics of the organizations. The characteristics were size and industry; on managers' personal characteristics, such as age, formal education, years in the current strategic planning imperative; and on imperative strategic planning positions, such as hierarchical level and functional area. Formal education and experience improve the information available to organizations about managers' capabilities and whether there will be a better match between employee capabilities and strategic planning imperatives over time. Conditional strategic imperative dispersion increases with formal education and work experience when the strategic imperative equation does not control for imperative strategic planning positions. Furthermore, this conditional strategic imperative