Some even actively engage in the use of the word as well. Video games are now so completely realistic that it's hard to tell whether you're witnessing live action or actually participating in it: the thin line between reality and fantasy has become completely indistinguishable. Countless studies have shown that participating in and witnessing this behavior in games corresponds to more aggressive behavior in life and a lack of empathy for humanity's real suffering. Engaging in video game play may seem real, but like cave prisoners, this interaction is nothing more than an illusion. Playing video games is indeed a graphic deception and, as Plato writes, “it was all a deception and an illusion”. (paragraph 15) The researchers, however, found that the game may not be entirely harmful to adolescents. A recent study by Paul JC Adachi and Teena Willoughby highlights that video games can meet the same criteria for positive youth development as traditional organized activities such as sports, music or clubs. In direct contrast to this analogy, they demonstrate that there may be significant social benefits from gaming, that adolescents are motivated to play video games, and that this type of gaming requires concentration and mental effort (Adachi and